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Honda dealership



Honda dealership

Maybe you've heard of a Honda dealership. But do you know anything about the Honda brand? It is a Japanese manufacturer of cars, mopeds and motorcycles. If we go back in time for a moment, to 2014, that's the year Honda was the #8 largest vehicle manufacturer, worldwide! In Japan, they ranked at three behind Toyota and Nissan. Headquartered in Tokyo, their shares are traded on stock exchanges and that can be in Tokyo, but also in New York, Paris, Switzerland, London and other major cities. Overall, an average of 40% of the shares are foreign owned. Swindon is a place in England and there you can find a large factory of Honda. Here they make vehicles for the European market. But the sales are under pressure, because in 2007 they sold 330,000 vehicles in Europe, and that dropped to 142,000 in 2014. This has also reduced employment and they have had to lay off a lot of people, from 5000 to 3100 people (in 2015). 

What do you look for at a Honda dealership? 

If you're looking for a nice Honda, then you're going to look for a Honda dealership in your area. There are then always a few things to look out for:

  • Supply, if you want to buy something, what do you look for? Do you want a new Honda or do you prefer second hand? Sometimes you can find both at a Honda dealership, but it is good to take a good look at what is available beforehand and then you can make a choice as to where you want to go. Often you can also browse online and who knows, you might already see what's on offer.  
  • Reputation, how is the company known? You can find a lot of information about this on the internet anyway and maybe you know other Honda lovers and then you've probably heard about how they got a good deal on their purchase. Good that you are going to talk about it and who knows what you will hear that can help you make a choice. 
  • Prices, what prices are charged? Are there any nice offers and if so, what discount can you expect? Maybe you can trade in your old one and get a discount? We can always check if it's worth it and then you can ask for some time to think about it and make a choice. 
  • Customer friendliness, how do they answer you when you contact them? Do they have time for you quickly or do you have to wait long? You can often send a message through the site or call, and then you can often already get a first impression of which Honda dealership can do something for you and appeals to you.  
  • Service, what do they offer you in terms of maintenance and service options? You can also take a look at that and make sure you can arrange everything at one address, that would be nice. 
  • Own budget, how much do you want to spend on a Honda? This is also important to know, because then you know where to look for. Which year? Do you want something new or just an older model? It's good to take this into account when you're looking for a new Honda, because then you can find out which dealer to go to. They all have a lot to offer, but it could be that the model you're looking for is for sale elsewhere. You might have to travel a bit further for it, but if it meets your wishes, it's a good choice to do a bit more work for it. 

There are many factors you can take into account and prepare for. But it can also be that you just want to orientate and then you have all the time to visit a dealer. They are happy to think along with you and help you choose a Honda that meets your wishes. Therefore, take the time to really find out what you want and to view the entire range. Only then will you really find out what is possible and what the prices are. You will surely find something you like.  

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The added value of a care agency




The healthcare industry is dynamic and constantly changing, making it both a challenging and rewarding work environment. But for healthcare professionals working as freelancers, finding the right workplace can sometimes be a complicated and time-consuming task.

A care mediation agency can then offer a solution to still get in with clients. But what exactly is the added value of an agency? And why would a healthcare professional choose to work through such an agency? We discuss that and more in this blog article.

What is a care agency?

Let's start by answering the question of what a healthcare mediation agency actually is. A healthcare mediation agency acts as a link between healthcare organizations and healthcare professionals. The agency helps healthcare organizations find qualified staff and supports healthcare professionals in finding suitable workplaces. Thus, a care mediation agency ensures a good match.

Assignments can range from temporary assignments to permanent positions in various healthcare facilities such as hospitals, nursing homes, home care organizations and mental health agencies. View a example of a care agency.

Benefits for healthcare professionals to work through a healthcare agency

Access to a wide network

A healthcare placement agency often has an extensive network of healthcare institutions. This offers healthcare professionals the opportunity to access a wide range of job opportunities that would otherwise be difficult to find.

But it also helps to get assignments. In fact, it happens that healthcare facilities do not do business with self-employed workers because they do not want to be dependent on "loose" workers, but seek a party that can provide replacement staff in case of illness or vacation.

Flexibility in work

For many healthcare professionals, flexibility is an important factor. A healthcare placement agency can help you find assignments that fit your personal and professional needs. Whether you prefer to work day shifts, night shifts, part-time or full-time, the agency can help you find the assignments that match what you are looking for in terms of flexibility.

Support and guidance

Working through a care placement agency means you are not alone. The agency provides support and guidance throughout the entire process, from application to placement and even during your assignment.

Better working conditions

Care placement agencies can often offer better working conditions than if you look for work independently. This is because they maintain good relationships with healthcare facilities and are aware of market-based salaries and fringe benefits. As a result, you can often count on a fair salary and good working conditions.

Opportunities for professional development

Many healthcare agencies invest in the professional development of their healthcare professionals. This can take the form of continuing education, workshops and trainings for healthcare. By joining an agency, you will have the opportunity to keep your skills and knowledge up-to-date, enhancing your employability and career opportunities.

Benefits for healthcare organizations to hire professionals through a healthcare placement agency

Filling vacancies quickly

Healthcare facilities can find qualified staff quickly and efficiently through a healthcare placement agency. This is especially important in times of staff shortages or during peak periods.


Care placement agencies carefully screen and select healthcare professionals, ensuring a high quality of the staff they offer. This means that healthcare facilities can rely on qualified and competent employees.

Flexibility in personnel management

By using a placement agency, healthcare facilities can respond flexibly to changes in staffing needs. Whether accommodating sick leave, maternity leave or temporary peaks in healthcare demand, a placement agency offers a flexible solution.

All in all, working through a healthcare agency can be a strategic choice that contributes to a successful career in healthcare. It is a win-win situation for healthcare professionals and healthcare facilities.

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Narrowcasting, what is it and what can you do with it?




In the world of modern marketing and communications, the ability to communicate your message in a targeted and effective way to a specific audience is more important than ever. Narrowcasting or digital signage is a powerful tool to do just that.

More and more companies are therefore investing in digital signage. But what exactly is digital signage? And why should companies consider investing in this technology?

What is narrowcasting?

Narrowcasting is a form of communication in which specific messages are distributed to a specific audience at specific locations and times. Unlike broadcasting, where a message is broadcast to a wide audience, narrowcasting targets a targeted audience located in a particular place, such as a store, office, hotel lobby, or waiting room.

The benefits of digital signage

Targeted Communication

One of the key benefits of digital signage is the ability to tailor your message to a specific audience. By showing relevant content to people in a specific location, you can significantly increase the engagement and impact of your message.

For example, think of sales performance figures that you show only in the sales department. Or key figures that have to do with production and are therefore only shown in the production department.


Narrowcasting allows you to interact with your audience through touch screens, QR codes or mobile apps. This allows you to collect valuable feedback, engage users with your products, service or business and even offer personalized experiences.

Flexibility and timeliness

With narrowcasting you can quickly adapt your message. This makes it a flexible communication tool that allows you to respond to current events.

For example, you can adapt your message to changing needs, trends, or seasons. This ensures that messages always remain relevant and current, which increases the effectiveness of communication.

Improved customer experience

By providing relevant information, promotions, or entertainment in strategic locations, you can improve the overall customer experience and keep customers engaged with your brand or product longer.

For which companies is digital signage interesting?

Narrowcasting is particularly interesting for companies that:

- Have a physical location where they can interact directly with customers, such as stores, restaurants, hotels, or health care facilities.

- Want to tailor their message to a specific audience at a particular location or time.

- Want to foster interaction and gather valuable feedback from their audience.

- Want to be flexible in updating and adapting their communication content.

- Want to improve the overall customer experience and strengthen their brand.

In short, digital signage is a valuable tool for delivering targeted and impactful communications to a specific audience at the right time and place. Good to know: some vendors only provide digital signage software, which means you have to arrange screens yourself with another party. Other parties, such as MediaMyne, provide complete solutions. Decide for yourself what you are most comfortable with and take that into account during orientation.

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Personal loan or revolving credit: here's how to make the right decision!




Personal loan or revolving credit: here's how to make the right decision!

Has your savings account thinned out considerably recently? And are you now forced to make a major expense (again)? Then you may be short of money. In that case, borrowing money is an excellent solution. But this must be done responsibly, of course. Usually you get the choice between a personal loan or revolving credit. While almost all of us have heard these terms at least once, few people really know the difference between the two. How do you make the right decision? And how do you make sure you don't cut yourself off financially?

Borrowing responsibly is how you do it

Borrowing money is still somewhat of a taboo subject. Most people have grown up with the idea that borrowing is bad. However, nothing could be further from the truth. Borrowing does indeed cost money. It is cheaper to save for yourself. Provided it is done responsibly, there is nothing against it. But it is important to make the right decisions.

Fortunately, lenders are already helping tremendously with this. For example, you can't borrow an unlimited amount of what you want. Based on your monthly income and expenses, they calculate the maximum amount you can borrow. This way you know for sure that you can also pay everything back and that you don't risk getting into trouble.

We like to think of borrowing as reverse saving. If you have a big savings goal, you will put away a monthly amount to achieve it. With borrowing, this goes the same way. Only then you will have the amount in your account sooner and then pay back parts of it yourself. In other words, reverse savings.

Consider carefully whether you really want to grab the maximum loan. If the lender has determined that this is your absolute maximum, it also means that there is very little further slack. Therefore, it may be nicer to borrow a little less than the maximum.

Differences between a personal loan and revolving credit

A personal loan is a loan where everything is fixed. This gives you a lot of extra security. The interest rate is fixed, the term is fixed and you know exactly how much you are going to pay monthly in principal and interest. This gives a lot of extra peace of mind. Moreover, this is a very good option for people who know they are having trouble making their loan payments on time. Now they have a good stick to keep themselves from getting into debt. With a personal loan, however, it is important that you know in advance how much money you need.

A revolving credit gives much more flexibility. You determine the limit together with the lender. This depends on your income. You also discuss what monthly repayments and interest will be paid. Furthermore, you get to decide how much you withdraw. Even after repayment you can withdraw again. The interest rates for revolving loans are not fixed and are usually higher than for personal loans. 

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